Thai Cleaning Service

 400 Larkspur Dr. Joppa, MD 2108

Office (410) 864-8561      Toll-FREE (866) 653-6696

We are proud to be a part of the era of Green Cleaning! 


The most common questions people have about green cleaning products is 'why'! 

Sure you can read all the data I have listed below, but the health of our son (pictured below) is the only honest answer to this question.  I will never allow anything other than green seal certified  products in our own home.

We take great comfort in knowing that no matter what part of a wall, floor sink, etc that my son touches he will not be subjected to harsh or dangerous chemicals.

Also, kitchen countertops, refrigerators, stoves, etc are left with toxic residue by non-green seal certified products.  When you prepare foods those toxic residue's are transferred.  Our products are certified safe, so you also can take comfort in the health of your own family.

Cleaning products are everywhere in our homes and offices: on dishes, countertops, furniture, clothes, floors, windows, and floating through the air. In our war on dirt and germs we may often actually be making things worse.

Most of the conventional cleaning products we all grew up with are petroleum-based and have dubious health and environmental implications. Instead of opting for cleaning products that annihilate everything in their path, there are plenty of natural products and methods that keep a house clean and fresh-smelling without the toxic side effects.*1

We hope you will agree with us that using non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products in the home and office is important for our health and the health of our planet.

If you go to your cupboard and pick up a cleaner, any cleaner, you might see it contains chlorine, phenol, ammonia or formaldehyde. These—and more—may be toxic: According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside a typical home is, on average, 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air just outside – and in extreme cases 100 times more contaminated – largely because of household cleaners and pesticides. The air in modern offices where windows can not be opened may be even unhealthier. Run-off from these chemicals is also a major issue for our watersheds.

Nine out of ten poison exposures are suspected to be from household products.

We are licensed, insured and an Grade A Honor Roll member of the Better Business Bureau.